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Category Archive for 'Waffle'

Expectations Rising

When I was a young boy (around the time Hannibal crossed the Alps on an elephant) our Christmas present choices were more limited. XBoxes and PlayStations had not been remotely thought of, so at Christmas I used to love to be bought, and to play, Waddington’s finest board games like Monopoly, Cluedo, and a horse-racing game called […]

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Outside the train window I could see a vast expanse of olive groves interspersed with stretches of gently undulating pastures, deserted but not desolate. I had fallen asleep with my head leaning back towards the empty aisle seat next to mine, and as I opened my eyes the landscape outside was the first thing I […]

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I don’t read many autobiographies, especially sporting autobiographies which are inevitably ghost written (this one enlisted help from Amy Lawrence and Henry Winter) and often lack intellectual challenge. There are exceptions but that’s not what I’m here to write about. A few weeks ago our own Clock End Rider was kind enough to supply me with […]

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Embed from Getty Images Let’s begin with a bit of fantasising. You, reader, have been commissioned to write the biography of Jack Wilshere. How would you begin? Would you follow chronology — the young lad born in Hitchin, an obvious football prodigy, and chart his career through time from there? Would you begin at the […]

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Jacques and his master are driving down a quiet winding road along the Dalmatian coast. It’s springtime, the rugged Dinarides mountains on their left are sparkled with blooming Brnistra shrubs, and on their right the turquoise waters of a calm Adriatic sea are punctuated with the small fishing boats that are moored along the coast. […]

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